أداة تخصيص استايل المنتدى
إعادة التخصيصات التي تمت بهذا الستايل

- الاعلانات تختفي تماما عند تسجيلك
- عضــو و لديـك مشكلـة فـي الدخول ؟ يــرجى تسجيل عضويه جديده و مراسلـة المديــر
او كتابــة مــوضـــوع فــي قســم الشكـاوي او مـراسلــة صفحتنـا على الفيس بــوك

It’s not you it’s me!

12 يوليو 2012
مستوى التفاعل
الموقع الالكتروني

The world’s worst break up line: It’s not you it’s me!

Five words. That’s what it takes to end a relationship, beat someone while they're down and break a heart forever. Five words that are all you need to be left speechless, with tears running down your face although in your partner's opinion they make it easier for you to accept the breakup. Five words that tell you something while delivering a whole other message. Even Wikipedia couldn’t understand what the sentence meant. I checked online dictionaries for an interpretation for this number 1 famous break up line and Urban Dictionary was the only one that could relate to how I felt. It's not you; it's me apparently means (according to Urban Dictionary.com):​
1. I no longer find you attractive, but I can't say that because then I'll feel guilty
2. A great excuse for breaking up with someone while trying not to hurt their feelings.
Famously used by George in Seinfeld, he got upset when he found out someone used his line and claims he invented it.
3. The reason one gives when terminating a relationship with someone who turns out to be repulsive and/or mind-numbingly boring.
4. Female slang for: It is you.​
What I just want to know, who came up with this line? Who on Earth thought that this line would actually cushion the blow? To some people, this is the blow. If it really isn’t me and if it really is you then why did we get together in the first place? Why did we go through the emotional anguish and struggle all these years for you just to end it with this half-ass reason? I mean guys come on there must be something else behind that sentence that wants to get out , but your ego just keeps hiding it so you wouldn’t lose face . Why is this sentence so offensive although it doesn’t carry any explicit words? Why is this sentence one of the few, we dread the most? Why does this sentence make more sense the other way around, being it's not me, it's you?!
So many questions that were left un-answered just because someone thought "it would make things easier".​
Well NEWSFLASH bro, we don’t buy it anymore. Breaking up isn’t an easy process and sure isn’t fun so stop it with the word games and get to the point, we're not on some game show! People who think that this sentence makes it easier to break up, they're just wrong. In fact it makes it harder to let go of someone you love deeply when you don’t know why you're letting go. No one ever thought that five simple words like these could leave you scarred and baffled for quite some time trying to figure out what you've done wrong or what you could’ve done differently to stop this from happening. Exes are hard to forget and even harder to get over when you don’t have a reason to leave them in your past.​
Next time you wanna break up with your partner try using an honest, valid reason for the break up (like I'm a homo or I hate your mum or marriage isn't for me, I'd rather get high) , and if you were to use the "it's not you, it's me" line, then try to add something that your partner will hate you for, for example: "its not you, its me, I have Herpes" or "its not you, its me, I don’t like you anymore".​


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لا مكان لمن يعلن عن منتديات ..
12 يونيو 2014
مستوى التفاعل
رد: It’s not you it’s me!

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